Lower your TCO x10

The Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of a business application is mainly driven by two components:

  1. Staff costs for development and operation of the application
  2. Infrastructure costs


Staff Costs

When developing business applications, especially with complex data models and business logic, large teams are required to write the software. The salary cost of the developers to build and maintain the application and operations staff usually makes most of the overall budget. The more the team grows, the more coordination is required, and layers of project managers and communications staff need to be added. Often, teams of 10 or even more persons work on business applications. Furthermore, staff is usually difficult to replace, as often no overall architectural principles are applied and the hand-writing of individuals is visible in the code.

With Systemorph Cloud, it is possible to develop even complex business applications with small teams of 2-3 persons, thus eliminating any overhead cost for management staff. Due to the standardized way of writing code, team members can easily be swapped in and out of the project as required.


Infrastructure Costs

The infrastructure cost includes software licenses, as well as the computing power necessary to run applications. Especially for traditional architectures, dedicated infrastructure needs to be run 24/7 in case a user wants to log in, even though most of the time the system is idling. Furthermore, the infrastructure has to be planned for the heaviest load, which is completely oversized in off-peak usage.

Systemorph Cloud is a serverless solution, i.e. only the usage is paid. This eliminates any cost for idle time. The cloud-native architecture allows for arbitrary scalability so that more resources can be consumed during peak times, and during off-peak no or few resources are allocated at all.

TCO Overview